Sunday, August 17, 2014

I Choose To Be Changed.

I created this blog to share my experiences as I try to improve myself and change to become the person my Heavenly Father wants me to be. I love this quote because it summarizes my thoughts and feelings exactly. I choose to follow Christ, and I want to be changed. There is always room for improvement in each of us, but I want to improve in ways that will lead me to my Heavenly Father. So, let's start with a little introduction to Abigail Hope Acton.

I was born into a wonderful LDS family. I have two parents who love each other, and who were lovingly married in the temple. I have two older brothers, and a little sister. As we love to travel, we have been to all 50 states together, mostly in a mini van. I am very musical, and I play trumpet, like my daddy, and piano. I was very involved in high school with Madrigals, Symphonic Band, Utah Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, 9 Advanced Placement Courses and tons of other activities. I am starting at BYU, my dream school, in a week, and I have absolutely no idea what I will be studying. So, that's me in a nutshell. 

Except that's only a part of me.

I am a daughter of God. I am a spiritual being that has been sent here to Earth to gain a physical body and to gain agency that would allow me to choose my own path. I know that I am loved by God himself, and that He cares enough to send His Son to suffer and die, so that I may find joy. 

So, how do I find that joy? By CHOOSING to follow Christ, and by CHOOSING to be changed.